(David Shuster recaps WalkerGate on the Young Turks. Via Crooks & Liars)
Scotty Walker has been in denial about the legal hot water he's in, saying that he's not a target of any investigation, and that we'll all find out what a stellar guy he really is when he's cleared. Capper, over at Cognitive Dissidence, thinks otherwise (Please follow the link, because his post is chock full o' great information):
But that's not quite true. In fact, it's a pretty galling lie.
There is a code that US Attorneys follow that requires them to provide a letter to a person stating that they are not the target of their investigation. And word is, like they're supposed to, Walker's attorneys have been asking for such a letter for weeks. And if Walker had such a letter, he would be free to produce it and remove any doubt about his innocence once and for all.
But Walker has produced no such letter, basically because none exists. [...]
By the way, there is also another code that forbids them from filing charges within sixty days of an election, so that there is no appearance of trying to influence said election. I also learned that in these types of situations, it is common practice for the state, in this case DA John Chisholm, to defer to the DOJ, which is why he also hasn't filed charges against Walker yet. [...]
From what I understand, the charges will be more along the lines of mail and wire fraud and the such.
I also learned that, despite what my friend, H. Nelson Goodson at the Hispanic News Network, insists upon, at the stage their in, any indictments won't be for weeks or even months, if they choose to try him at all on the federal level.
And then Capper goes on to say that there's also a "Walkergate West" which he explains fully in his post.
He adds that "there is a very strong likelihood that Walker will be indicted on a federal and/or state level before the year's out," and "whether it's by recall or by indictment, the odds are pretty good that Walker won't complete a full term."
The problem with that is that Governor Rebecca "Minivan" Kleefisch would then be in charge.
And so we have the bottom line: Wisconsinites, please vote for Tom Barrett, because if Walker wins, so does Kleefisch, and that would be catastrophic.
Here's how those in Wisconsin can help other voters (free cab rides to polls June 5th in Madison, WI).
Bonus link: Wisconsin Democrats Call on Scott Walker to Produce Exoneration Evidence
The post WI Gov. Scott Walker denies being target of investigation. "But that's not quite true. In fact, it's a pretty galling lie." appeared first on The Political Carnival.